Self-reported acute and persisting chemosensory-related symptoms for all C19+ participants and demographic information. Rows indicate participants

Age at Poststudy (yr)SexMonths since Infection at PoststudyAcute SymptomsRemaining SymptomsEstimated Sense of Smell Compared with Premeasure (%)
31Female10Anosmia, ageusia100
51Female12Anosmia, ageusiaWeaker sense of smell. Some things smell stronger; some weaker (eg, coffee); some completely different (eg, sweat smells like raw onion), more bitterness70
50Female9.5Numbness in the mouth100
32Male3Anosmia, ageusiaWorsened sense of smell and taste, especially tip of the tongue80
46Female0.75AnosmiaPoor taste and constant stale taste. Selective anosmia (eg, coffee, shampoo, wine, 3 test odors)50
30Male3AnosmiaSlightly affected sense of smell87.5
  • Note:—– indicates none.