Demographic and auditory function of the presbycusis and control groups

DemographicsPresbycusisControlP Value
No. of patients1514
Age (yr)a63.2 ± 2.662.4 ± 2.0.38b
Female, no. (%)10 (66.7)8 (57.1).60c
Education levels (yr)a10.7 ± 3.510.1 ± 2.6.61b
PTA (dB HL)a,d30.7 ± 4.715.9 ± 1.4<.001b
  • a Data are given as mean ± standard deviation.

  • b The between-group differences were assessed with the 2-tailed Student t test.

  • c The between-group differences were assessed with the 2-tailed Pearson χ2 test.

  • d The PTAs from both ears were averaged.