Quality of vessel reconstruction after carotid stent placement

Angiographic FindingCases (%)
All (N = 40)Wallstent and/or Carotid Wallstent (n = 22)Easy Wallstent (n = 18)
Optimal widening of lumen and adaptation of stent11 (28)6 (27)5 (28)
Residual stenosis16 (40)9 (41)7 (39)
Stenosis of ECA origin9 (23)5 (23)4 (22)
Residuals of ulcerations7 (18)3 (14)4 (22)
Dehiscences of stent and vessel wall14 (35)6 (27)8 (44)
Kinking of ICA distal to stent6 (15)4 (18)2 (11)
Temporary spasm10 (25)5 (23)4 (22)
Dilatation at the site of the protective balloon3 (8)3 (14)0 (0)
  • Note.—Data in parentheses are percentages.