Table 2:

De novo aneurysms and enlarging untreated aneurysms in 6 children

Age at First Presentation (yr)SexIndex AneurysmFirst TreatmentTime to De Novo or Enlarging AneurysmDe Novo or Enlarging Aneurysm LocationClinical ResultComorbidity
11MICA fusiformICA balloon occlusion3 yrVB junction fusiformSuccessful clippingVascular birthmark
7MICA fusiformICA balloon-coil occlusion3 yrIntracranial vertebral fusiformUntreatableHemiatrophy
15FICA, MCA, ACA fusiform giantBypass, trapping12 yrAcomA fusiformWrapping, completion coilingNone
8MACA giant mycoticCoiling20 moVB fusiformDied from SAHAIDS
17F10 saccular aneurysmsClip 6 ipsilateral; coil 1 contralateral6 moEnlarging saccular PcomASuccessful coilingMajewski type II dwarfism
10FLong-segment fusiform ICAObservation4 yrEnlarging saccular ICA aneurysmSuccessful stent coilingTricuspid atresia after Fontan procedure
  • Note:—VB indicates vertebrobasilar; ICA, internal carotid artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; ACA, anterior cerebral artery; AcomA, anterior communicating artery; PcomA, posterior communicating artery; SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage.