Characteristics of the four aneurysms created in one dog

AneurysmOperation MethodPouchDiameter (mm)Aneurysm Simulateda
Arterial-stumpDivision of L CCA, far proximalCCA stump (artery)≤10 to 10–25Any sidewall or terminal-artery aneurysm
BifurcationSide-to-end anastomosis CCA to ipsilateral CCA, plus aneurysmal pouchVein/artery≤10 to 10–25Basilar apex, MCA bifurcation, terminal ICA, other
Side-wallCCA plus aneurysmal pouchVein/artery≤10 to 10–25ICA aneurysm (eg, paraopthalmic), supraclinoid segment
Side branch-arteryCCA, cranial thyroidal branch; junction plus aneurysm pouchFacial vein or artery≤10SCA, AICA, PICA aneurysm, other small aneurysm
  • a AICA indicates anterior inferior cerebellar artery; ICA, internal carotid artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; PICA, posterior inferior cerebellar artery; and SCA, superior cerebellar artery.