Presurgical and postsurgical neurophysiological data*

Neuropsychological Measure*Presurgical PerformancePostsurgical Performance
    Boston Naming Test (z)0.781.00
    Controlled Oral Word Association (percentile)25th–75th25th–75th
    WASI: vocabulary subtest (ss)14NR
    WASI: similarities subtest (ss)13NR
Visuospatial functions
    WMS-III Spatial Span (ss)1012
    JOLO (percentile)<1st40th
    Benton Facial Recognition (percentile)33rd–59th33rd–59th
    HVOT (T)5358
    WASI: block design subtest (ss)78
    WASI: matrix reasoning subest (ss)1110
Nonverbal learning and memory
    BFLT Total Learning (z)−3.46−2.1
    BFLT Delayed Recall (z)−2.59−2.5
    BFLT Recognition Discriminability Index89%89%
    GFMT Immediate Recognition (percentile)10th–20th50th
    GFMT Delayed Recognition (percentile)<1st<5th
Verbal learning and memory
    CVLT Total Learning (T)3864
    CVLT Delayed Recall (z)01.5
CVLT Recognition Disriminability Index98%98%
    PMT Immediate Recognition (z)0.30.3
    PMT Delayed Recognition (z)0.40.4
  • * Refer to Lezak 7 and Spreen and Strauss 8 for information regarding neuropsychological measures.

  • Note:—WASI indicates Wechsler Abbreviated Scales of Intelligence; NR, task not repeated on follow-up evaluation; WMS-III, Wechsler Memory Scale-III; BFLT, Biber Figure Learning Test; GFM, Graduate Facial Memory Test; CVLT, California Verbal Learning Test; PMT, Pseudoword Memory Test; HVOT, Hooper Visual Organization Test; JOLO, Judgement of Line Orientation.