Summary of the clusters with significant group differences, obtained by voxel-wise statistical analysis of the Jacobian maps of ADHD brains and healthy control brains

Volume ChangeClusterTalairach Coordinates (x, y, z)Voxel Numbers
ReductionLeft parietal lobe−32, −61, 41360
Right prefrontal48, 20, 31407
Right medial temporal59, −52, 13280
Right basal ganglia21, 1, 11255
EnlargementRight occipital lobe20, −86, 29196
Left posterior lateral ventricle−23, −40, 15302
  • Note:—ADHD indicates attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Coordinates in Talairach stereotaxic space correspond to local maxima; x, distance (mm) to right (+) or left (−) of the midsagittal line; y, distance anterior (+) or posterior (−) to vertical plane through the anterior commissure; and z, distance above (+) or below (−) the intercommissural (AC-PC) line.