Table 2:

Intraobserver reliability and precision of hippocampal FA and MD values (n = 20)

Mean ± SDDiff ± SDt valuerrsICCSEMCI 95%CVR95 (%)
FA left246 ± 262 ±±163.5%23 (9.4%)
FA right229 ± 20−1 ± 9−±122.7%17 (7.3%)
FA mean237 ± 171 ±±102.2%15 (6.2%)
MD left782 ± 40−1 ±±271.8%38 (4.9%)
MD right769 ± 250 ±±211.4%30 (3.9%)
MD mean775 ± 280 ±±191.3%27 (3.5%)
  • Note.— FA indicates fractional anisotropy (×103); MD, mean diffusivity (μm2/s); Mean, pooled mean (1st and 2nd assessment of one observer) ± pooled SD; Diff, difference of 1st–2nd assessment ± SD of difference; t value, corresponding to paired t test, all P values >0.20; r, Pearson correlation coefficient; rs, Spearman rank correlation coefficient; ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; SEM, standard error of measurement based on within-subject variance; CI 95%, 95% confidence interval (±1.96 × SEM); CV = √(mean of within subject variance/mean squared); R95, repeatability according to Bland and Altman20; R95 = √2 × 1.96 × SEM; %, percentage of mean = R95/mean × 100.