Areas, means, percentiles, and slopes and intercepts for trendlines in a rank plot for T2 values in stage II and III disks in 5 volunteers

ParameterDisk StageP value*
No. of disks205
Area (pixels)16165
Mean T2 (ms)8453.0025
SD of T2 (ms)228.014
10th percentile (ms)55432.5E-05
5th percentile (ms)6647.00026
50th percentile (ms)8552.0032
75th percentile (ms)10357.0035
90th percentile (ms)11463.0041
99th percentile (ms)13173.0033
Slope of ranked T2 values−0.48−0.44.76
Intercept of ranked T2 values12366.0055
  • * Differences in stage II and III disks.