Brain and cervical cord magnetization transfer and diffusion tensor MR imaging-derived metrics from patients with neuroborreliosis and from healthy volunteers

MR Imaging MetricsHealthy Volunteers (SD)Patients with Neuroborreliosis (SD)
NAWM average MTR (%)43.2 (1.2)41.1 (1.9)
GM average MTR (%)38.4 (1.2)36.9 (1.5)
NAWM average MD (×10−3 mm2 s−1)0.82 (0.03)0.84 (0.04)
GM average MD (×10−3 mm2 s−1)0.10 (0.05)0.10 (0.07)
NAWM average FA0.29 (0.02)0.29 (0.02)
Cervical cord average MTR (%)40.6 (1.5)38.8 (2.7)
  • Note:— NAWM indicates normal-appearing white matter; GM, gray matter; MTR, magnetization transfer ratio; MD, mean diffusivity; FA, fractional anisotropy.