Table 2:

Univariate association of prognostic variables at 1 month

Variables (Based on NIHSS)Odds Ratio (95% CI)P
Age (≥ 65 vs <65)2.75 (0.63–11.97).178
Sex (male vs female)1.38 (0.31–6.20).679
Occlusion level (above vs below the OA)4.00 (0.65–24.69).136
Retrograde ICA filling (no vs yes)6.50 (1.13–37.48).036
Tandem intracranial occlusion (yes vs no)3.06 (0.68–13.79).145
Type of occlusion (embolic vs de novo)1.88 (0.47–7.53).375
TICI collaterals (grade 0, 1 vs grade 2, 3)0.69 (0.16–2.87).606
Ophthalmic collaterals (no vs yes)5.00 (1.04–24.03).046
Initial NIHSS score (>12 vs ≤ 12)6.29 (1.29–30.54).023
Distal residual occlusion (grade 0, 1 vs grade 2, 3)13.00 (2.19–77.27).005
Postprocedural TIMI (grade 0, 1 vs grade 2, 3)3.00 (0.72–12.46).131
Postprocedural TICI (grade 0, 1 vs grade 2, 3)5.50 (1.22–24.81).027
Time from onset to procedure (≥ 4 vs <4 h)0.24 (0.05–1.12).069
Infarction volume (≥ 30 mL vs <30 mL)2.36 (0.58–9.58).231
  • Note:—NIHSS indicates National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; CI, confidence interval; OA, ophthalmic artery; ICA, internal carotid artery; TICI, Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction; TIMI, Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction.