Table 2:

Mean metabolite levels within abnormal perfusion and T2h regions compared with contralateral NAWM for grade IV gliomas

RegionCholineCreatineLactateNo. Voxels
aPH17.6 ± 10.29.1 ± 5.64.3 ± 2.354 ± 43
aRec15.9 ± 7.78.2 ± 4.74.3 ± 2.750 ± 70
aPH+aRec16.1 ± 8.68.1 ± 4.94.8 ± 3.324 ± 38
T2h14.4 ± 6.49.0 ± 4.73.4 ± 2.5172 ± 117
NAWM16.4 ± 4.514.5 ± 3.61.2 ± 1.9N/A
  • Note:—aPH indicates the region of abnormal peak height with normal recovery; aRec, the region of abnormal recovery with normal peak height; NAWM, normal-appearing white matter; N/A, not applicable.