Table 1:

Clinical data of 9 patients with reversed discrepancy (RD)

Patient No./Age (y)/SexTime to CT (h)Time to MRA (h)Arterior Occlusion on Initial MRAASPECTSLocation of RDMR Findings at Day 1 Follow-upNIHSSmRS at Day 90
CTDWIRecanalization on MRADelayed DWI Hyperintensity of RD lesionInitialDay 1
1/F/752.14.3ICA35Left BGAbsentPresent21224
2/M/864.05.8ICA35Right BGAbsentPresent14154
3/M/645.35.8ICA88Left BGAbsentPresent661
4/M/761.74.3M143Right BGPresentPresent15176
5/F/840.92.3M115Right BGAbsentAbsent12114
6/F/801.82.5M279Right BGPresentPresent8135
7/F/602.33.3M277Left BGPresentPresent992
8/M/742.55.3MCA distal branch, A268Left insula, frontal lobePresentPresent18163
9/M/502.24.0*24Right BGNo occlusionPresent1382
  • Note:—CT indicates computed tomography; MRA, magnetic resonance angiography; DWI, diffusion-weighted MR imaging; ASPECTS, Alberta Stroke Program early CT score; mRS, modified Rankin Scale; ICA, internal carotid artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; BG, basal ganglia.

  • * Site of arterial occlusion was not accurately determined due to poor image quality of MRA.