Table 2:

Features of the clinical, neuroimaging, and genetic characteristics of cases of infantile onset Alexander disease associated with mild clinical phenotype

MutationSexAge PresentationAge Follow-upMacrocephalySeizuresSpasticityBulbar signsCognitive impairmentMRIReference
1*F7 m19 y++++T6
R79C 235 c → t2*M3 m14 y17
3*M11 m7 y
40 m7.5 y+–→ +–→ +T
R79H 250 g → a56 m20 y+–→ +–→ +T15
66 m4.7 y+T
7F12 m8 y17
8*MAsymptomatic at 4 yT14
R88C 276 c → t9*MAsymptomatic at 3 y+T18
10*6 m3.5 yT15
L90P 283 c → t11§F5 m5.9 y+–→ +–→ +T16
R239C 716 c → t12M8 m8 y++++T
1318 m8 y+–→ +–→ +T15
A253G 758 g → t14§M<12 m8 y+A19
15 §M1 mA6
L331P 1006 c → t16§MAsymptomatic+T20
17§FAsymptomatic at 7 yA
A358V 1087 c → t18F3 m5 y++TPresent
R416W 1260 c → t19*MAsymptomatic at 11 yT14
  • * Note:— indicates previously proven pathogenic mutation;

  • , absence of the mutation in both parents;

  • , absence of the mutation in one parent;

  • § , absence of the mutation in healthy control subjects; m, months; y, years; †, presence; –, absence; T, typical; A, atypical.