Table 1:

Angiographic characteristics of stenosis

CharacteristicNo. (%)
Right ICA stenosis100 (49.8)
Left ICA stenosis101 (50.2)
% Stenosis (treated vessel)
    <95%144 (71.6)
    95%–98%40 (20)
    99%17 (8.45)
% Contralateral stenosis
    <70%136 (67.5)
    70%–98%27 (13.4)
    99%4 (2)
    100%34 (17)
Ulcerated plaque102 (50.7)
Calcified plaque90 (45)
Functioning AcomA159 (79.1)
Functioning PcomA96 (45.7)
Plaque size (cm)Mean, 1.79 cm (range, 0.1–2.4)
Distance from carotid bulb (cm)Mean, 0.31 cm (range, 0–1.2)
Intracranial lesion*23 (13)
Dissection post-PTA16 (8)
Transient asymptomatic vasospasm59 (29.4)
  • Note:—PTA indicates percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; AcomA, anterior communicating artery; PcomA, posterior communicating artery; ICA, internal carotid artery.

  • * “Intracranial lesion” is defined as any aneurysm, stenosis, or vascular malformation discovered in the pre-CAS angiographic study.

  • Dissection post-PTA indicates a subtle intimal irregularity shown in the angiographic post-PTA and pre-CAS examination, due to manipulation during PTA, with no clinical manifestation.