Table 2:

Demand for thrombolysis in the United States based on the published literature

ReportCases per Year per Hospital*
Intra-arterial treatment, multicenter trials
    PROACT, 199891 (0–10)
    PROACT II, 199961 (0–17)
    EMS, 1999665 (2–10)
    IMS-I, 200487 (0–27)
    MERCI, 200573 (0–9)
    IMS-II, 200752 (NA)
    Multi MERCI, 200845 (0–20)
Intra-arterial treatment, single center
    Barnwell et al, 1994197
    Suarez et al, 19991815
    Jahan et al, 1999675
    Ernst et al, 20002017
    Hill et al, 2002214
    Ramee et al, 2004683
    Choi et al, 2006229
    Devlin et al, 20072330
    Kim et al, 20071713
    Wolfe et al, 20081615
Intravenous treatment, multicenter trials
    NINDS, 19956920
    ATLANTIS, 1999701
    STARS, 2000714
Intravenous treatment, single center
    Chiu et al, 19987230
    Zweifler et al, 1998739
    Grotta et al, 20017461
    Kahn et al, 20057526
    Wolfe et al, 20081645
    Arenillas et al7646
  • Note:—PROACT indicates Prolyse in Acute Cerebral Thromboembolism trial; EMS, Emergency Management of Stroke trial; IMS, Interventional Management of Stroke trials; MERCI, Mechanical Embolus Removal in Cerebral Ischemia trials; NINDS, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke; ATLANTIS, Alteplase Thrombolysis for Acute Noninterventional Therapy in Ischemic Stroke trial; STARS, Standard Treatment with Alteplase to Reverse Stroke study.

  • * Numbers in parentheses are ranges.