Table 1:

Summary data of normalized and nonnormalized mean PSC and SD for both analysis methods

N = 16Nonnormalized DataNormalized Data
PSC BoxcarPSC AutomatedPSC/mm Hg BoxcarPSC/mm Hg Automated
P = <.05*Mean SDMean SDMean SDMean SD
Whole brain (GM+WM)2.860.602.70*0.430.410.130.390.16
Whole-brain GM2.930.682.730.480.420.130.400.16
Whole-brain WM2.650.432.54*0.290.380.130.370.14
GM MCA territory2.880.612.68*0.390.410.140.390.15
  • Note:—PSC indicates percentage BOLD signal change; GM, gray matter; WM, white matter; MCA, middle cerebral artery.

  • * Indicates significant difference to a level of .05.