Table 2:

Summary of clusters in which ADC was found to be significantly reduced (P < .001) among patients compared with normal controlsa

MNI (x,y,z)KtControlsPatients% DifferenceAnatomical LocationsSide
b = 1000
    (−12,−16,8)204.96777456846312Thalamus (medial dorsal nucleus, ventral lateral nucleus, ventral posterior lateral nucleus)L
    (10,−12,0)304.90769406836011Thalamus (medial dorsal nucleus, ventral lateral nucleus)R
    (18,12,−2)64.47782686707614Caudate body, caudate head, putamenR
    (24,4, −4)314.24725466138015PutamenR
    (16,10,10)64.12746586329615Caudate bodyR
b = 2000
    (16,−16,8)1216.37722406247013Thalamus (medial dorsal nucleus, ventral lateral nucleus, ventral posterior lateral nucleus, pulvinar)R
    (26,6,2)1955.67706355827717Caudate body, caudate head, putamenR
    (−6,−16,6)435.05700356076713Thalamus (medial dorsal nucleus, ventral lateral nucleus, ventral posterior lateral nucleus, ventral posterior medial nucleus)L
  • Note:—ADC indicates apparent diffusion coefficient; MNI (x,y,z), Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates of voxel at a peak t value; K, size of clusters in the unit of voxels; t, corresponding t value of a peak height.

  • a Mean and SD were computed within each cluster. Percentage difference is defined by taking the ratio between mean ADC of patients and controls. The left and right hemisphere are identified as L and R.