Volumetric analysis of brain MR Imaging in MPS II Patients

VariablesAll Patients MR Imaging Studies (N = 33), Mean (SD)Patients with Cognitive Impairment MR Imaging Studies (N = 22), Mean (SD)Patients with Normal Cognition MR Imaging Studies (N = 11), Mean (SD)P Valuea
Age (years)9.0 (5.0)9.9 (6.2)7.5 (2.37).296
ICV (mL)1443 (189)1464 (201)1407 (176).96
Brain tissue (mL)1242 (173)1234 (195)1254 (143).25
LV (mL)54 (48)73 (52)21 (13).046b
Brain tissue/ICV0.86 (0.012)0.84 (0.03)0.89 (0.01)<.001b
LV/ICV0.04 (0.015)0.05 (0.03)0.01 (0.01).029b
  • a P values were comparisons between patients with cognitive impairment and those with normal cognition.

  • b P values reached statistical significance.