Table 3:

Clinical and procedural variables in patients with NES

Group 1 (n = 10)aGroup 2 (n= 7)bPValue
Male/female (No.)7/34/3.64
Age, mean (SD) (yr)67 (6.9)67 (4.2).89
Vascular risk factors (No.)
    Ischemic heart disease30.23
    Peripheral vascular disease26.49
    History of stroke321.00
    Smoker (current and ex-)431.00
Procedure (No.)
    Protection device25.06
  • a In this group, we catheterized the carotid artery using a 7F or 8F catheter manipulated over a 0.035-inch guidewire.

  • b In this group, we catheterized the carotid artery using a coaxial system in which a 7F or 8F catheter was used in conjunction with a 4F or 5F catheter.