Flow pattern and regional arteriocapillary circulation time

Flow PatternnrACCT (s)
mean ± SD(min-max)
Non-occlusive artery283.2 ± 0.6(2.1–4.7)
Physiological (70–89% stenosis)94.3 ± 1.4(2.5–6.8)
Physiological (90–99% stenosis)55.3 ± 2.0(2.9–7.9)
Circle of Willis collateral83.3 ± 0.7(2.5–6.7)
EC-IC collateral24.9 ± 2.5(3.1–6.7)
Leptomeningeal collateral265.4 ± 1.3(3.4–8.8)
  • Note.—rACCT indicates regional arteriocapillary circulation time; min, minimum; max, maximum; EC-IC, external to internal carotid. The number of each flow pattern perfusing bilateral middle cerebral artery territories is presented. Some cases have two or three flow patterns filling the middle cerebral artery territory on the occlusive side.