Summary of sequential examination findings and chemotherapy protocol

November 26, 1999MRI (Fig 1)Minimum high intensity in the basal ganglia and thalamus on T2-weighted, dural/arachnoid enhancement with Gd-DTPA
November 30, 1999CHOPI-123 IMP (Fig 2A)Very high rCBF throughout the brain before the first half-dose CHOP
December 20, 1999I-123 IMP (Fig 2B)rCBF decreased to a level within normal range after the two half-dose CHOP
February 5, 2001THE-COP
February 6, 2001CT (Fig 3)Increased vascular densities in the left cerebral hemisphere, 6 hours after the onset of right hemiparesis
February 9, 2001I-123 IMP (Fig 2C)High rCBF in the left cerebral hemisphere and the right cerebellum, 2 hours after the recovery from right hemiparesis
February 19–22, 2001EPOCH
February 20, 2001I-123 IMP (Fig 2D)Relatively high rCBF at similar degree in both the right and the left cerebral hemispheres.