MR imaging and diffusion MR findings in six patients with neuroaxonal dystrophy

Patient Age/SexMRI Supratentorial ChangesCerebellar Diffusion ImagingCerebral Diffusion Imaging
b = 1000 s/mm2ADC Mapb = 1000 s/mm2ADC Map
5 y/FCorticospinal tractNormalHigh ADCHyperintenseLow ADC
9 y/FCorticospinal tractNormalHigh ADCHyperintenseLow ADC
19 mo/MCorpus callosum genu and spleniumHyperintenseLow ADCHyperintenseLow ADC
6 y/MDeep with matter, frontalNormalHigh ADCNormalHigh ADC
5 y/MNo lesionNormalHigh ADCNo lesionNo lesion
5 y/FNo lesionNormalHigh ADCNo lesionNo lesion
  • Note.—In all patients, FLAIR images showed cerebellar hyperintensity.