Anatomic Structures, Lesions, and Implants Used for Comparison

Temporal Bone StructureSummed Scores
1 Tympanic membrane102424
2 Handle of malleus242424
3 Head of malleus242424
4 Bone marrow of malleus02124
5 Anterior process of malleus71924
6 Incudomalleolar joint112124
7 Body of incus242424
8 Bone marrow of incus01924
9 Long process of incus242424
10 Short process of incus242424
11 Lenticular process of incus82124
12 Incudo-stapedial joint01924
13 Head of stapes92424
14 Anterior crus of stapes122424
15 Posterior crus of stapes81824
16 Footplate of stapes122424
17 Annular ligament0024
18 Tendon of tensor tympani61824
19 Stapedius muscle41824
20 Anterior ligament of malleus61524
21 Superior ligament of malleus91124
22 Posterior ligament of incus101224
23 Bony labyrinth of cochlea212424
24 Interscalar septum of cochlea02124
25 Modiolus of cochlea122424
26 Vestibular aqueduct82424
27 Cochlear aqueduct62424
28 Facial nerve02424
29 Geniculate ganglion22324
30 Bony facial nerve canal202424
31 Facial nerve in IAC52424
32 Greater petrosal nerve52424
33 Chorda tympani nerve3624
34 Vestibulocochlear nerve92424
35 Superior vestibular nerve02424
36 Inferior vestibular nerve02424
37 Cochlear nerve02424
38 Smaller lesion in neck of malleus266
39 Bigger lesion in long process of incus666
40 Cochlea implant (overall)366
41 Electrodes of cochlea implant156
42 Clamp of middle ear hearing aid166