Table 5:

Equations for estimating reference values for the different parameters of the CCad

Aμ = 145.6716 + 1.695221 X−0.5 − 3.059521ln(X) − 55.04029 X3Bμ = 86.22472 + 1.378669 X−0.5 − 31.29894 X3 − 27.07181 X3 ln(X)
σ = 14.22583 + 0.0235383 X−1 − 1.237668 X3μ = 7.679148 + 0.0202749 X−1 − 1.347937 X3
γ = −0.0593074 − 0.381785 X3γ = −0.0442746 − 0.3954789 X3
θ = 1.26317
Cμ = 9.896679 − 0.2111402 ln(X) − 5.590998 X2Dμ = 3.403339 − 0.5878885 X − 1.706435 X2
σ = 1.596243 − 0.346624 Xσ = 0.5801882 + 0.0000132 X−2
γ = 0.0632866 − 0.4274138 X3γ = 0.0081176 − 0.3621435 X3
θ = 0.6632529
Eμ = 1.703424 − 0.6519961 X0.5 − 0.3350363 X3Fμ = 11.11401 − 0.0000336 X−2 − 3.188784 X0.5 − 4.048755 X3
σ = 0.3169457 + 0.0246416 X0.5σ = 1.40096 + 0.0001188 X−2
γ = 0.0197081 − 0.253855 X3γ = −0.0102384 − 0.4045783 X3
θ = 0.2095135
Gμ = 1218829 − 80972.3 ln(X) − 710209.9 X3Hμ = 471589.4 − 23025.27 ln(X) − 288840.5 X3
σ = 211807.3σ = 73751.38 + 165.8814 X−0.5 − 40108.09 X3
θ = 2.993395γ = −0.0057655 − 0.430995 X3
θ = 2.802485
Iμ = 5.331432 + 0.003554 X−1 − 1.174509 X3 − 1.438436 X3 ln(X)Jμ = −0.9268794 − 0.2575655 X0.5 + 0.46828822 X3
σ = 0.8882193σ = 0.2561955 + 0.0638789 X0.5
θ = 0.4664711
Kμ = 0.4266512 + 0.000001123 X−2 − 0.0313357 X0.5
σ = 0.0255449 + 0.0059902 X2
  • a A = APD; B = LCC; C = GT; D = BT; E = IT; F = ST; G = FOD for males; H = FOD for females; I = S/T; J = IT/ST; K = APD/FOD.

  • b With Formula where T1 = 0 and Tn = 15.53 denote minimum and maximum ages respectively and ρ, a preselected constant equal to 0.01.

  • c Six measurements need prior Box-Cox transformation: A, D, E, G, H, I; 1 measurement needs natural logarithmic transformation.

  • d Seven models are EN: A, B, C, D, E, F, H; all others are normal.