Table 3:

Summary of MR imaging characteristics in diffuse peripheral nerve lesionsa

EtiologyEnlargementT2 HyperintensityFascicular PatternCourseEnhancement
Trauma±+Minimally effaced/disruptedMay be altered due to hematoma/fracture
Acute inflammation±++Effaced/preservedNot altered+
CIDP+++++Effaced/enlargedNot altered++
Infectious+/++++Effaced/disruptedMay be altered by abscess/granulation tissue++
CMT/HSMN++++Preserved ↑ fatty infiltration around atrophic fasciclesNormal±
Radiation± (linear; geographic distribution of radiation field)+Preserved/effacedAltered in subacute-chronic stages due to developing fibrosis+
NL++++Effaced/disruptedAltered with focal masses++
NF1++++PreservedAltered with focal masses+/++
MPNST in NF1++++, Necrotic areasDisruptedAltered due to mass-effect++ (heterogeneous)
Perineuroma++++Preserved/effaced focallyAltered with focal masses++
FLH++++ (fat causing T1 hyperintensity)Preserved (coaxial cable/spaghetti)Altered with thick tortuous nerve
Amyloid+++ Cutaneous induration with subcutaneus strandingPreserved/disrupted focallyAltered with focal masses±
  • a ± indicates variable; +, mild; ++, moderate; +++, marked; –. absent.