Table 4:

Angiographic findings of pAVMs

PatientFeeding ArteriesVenous DrainageNidus
1Palpebral branch of OASOVSmall (<3 cm)
2Branches of OA; branches of superf. temp. a; supraorbital aSOV; temp sup v, facial vSmall (<3 cm)
3Lachrymal a (from OA), branch from superf. temp. a; branch from anterior deep temp. a, branches from infra-orbital aDilated SOV (7 mm)Small + direct fistula
4Supraorbital a, anterior deep temporal branchSOVCompact, 2.5 cm
5Palpebral branches from R sphenopalatine a, angular aFacial v, SOVSmall and compact
6Branches from sphenopalatine a, palpebral a from OADirect via SOV, reflux in facial vCompact
7Palpebral a from OA; branches from superf. temp. aSOVCompact; 4 cm
8Palpebral a from OAFacial vSmall (<3 cm)
9Palpebral a from OA, branches from superf. temp. aSOV, facial v, frontal vCompact; 2.5 cm
  • Note:—a indicates artery; v, vein; temp., temporal; superf., superficial.