Table 2:

Mean FA of clusters with statistically significant differences between patients with ALS with T1 MTC hyperintense signal and those without it and controlsa

Patients with ALSControls
MT HyperintensityNo MT Hyperintensity
Entire CST0.403 (0.024)0.432 (0.022)0.454 (0.024)
CST including internal capsule0.373 (0.024)0.411 (0.021)0.431 (0.024)
Middle cerebellar peduncles0.435 (0.020)0.464 (0.019)0.480 (0.020)
Pons0.414 (0.014)0.427 (0.014)0.445 (0.015)
Entire CC0.580 (0.018)0.569 (0.018)0.619 (0.019)
Genu CC0.517 (0.022)0.499 (0.022)0.549 (0.023)
Body CC0.530 (0.014)0.524 (0.014)0.584 (0.015)
Anterior body CC0.532 (0.013)0.514 (0.013)0.571 (0.014)
Posterior body CC0.528 (0.015)0.536 (0.015)0.602 (0.016)
Splenium CC0.679 (0.015)0.665 (0.015)0.706 (0.015)
Temporal white matter0.268 (0.013)0.245 (0.012)0.281 (0.013)
Parietal white matter0.236 (0.016)0.212 (0.015)0.255 (0.016)
Frontal white matter0.243 (0.014)0.234 (0.013)0.259 (0.014)
  • a All P values <.05. Numbers in parentheses are SDs.