Table 2:

Evaluated anatomic structures of the temporal bone

2Anulus tympanicus
3Tympanic membrane
4Malleus head
5Malleus handle
6Incudomallear articulation
7Anterior mallear ligament
8Lateral mallear ligament
9Superior mallear ligament
10Incus body
11Incus long process
12Incus short process
13Incus lenticular process
14Incudostapedial articulation
15Stapes footplate
16Stapes crura
17Stapes capitulum
18Facial recess
20Sinus tympani
21Tendon of the musculus tensor tympani
22Cochleariform process
23Stapedius muscle
24Körner septum
25Round window niche
26Round window membrane
27Oval window
28Bone septum between upper and middle turn of the cochlea
29Cochlear aqueduct
30Vestibular aqueduct
31Crista falciformis
33Ampulla membranaceum
34Facial nerve canal: labyrinthine segment
35Facial nerve canal: geniculate ganglion
36Facial nerve canal: tympanic segment
37Facial nerve canal: mastoid segment
38Bony coverage of the facial nerve in the tympanic segment