Table 2:

Areas of significant difference in CTH between the EPM1 group and controls

Brain RegionHemisphereMaximum T ValueMNI Coordinates, (x, y, z)a
Central sulcusRight8.4242, −16, 36
Left6.69−39, −19, 46
Precentral sulcusLeft6.05−40, 7, 27
Paracentral lobuleRight8.115, −27, 50
Postcentral gyrusRight7.326, −49, 65
Cingulate sulcusLeft8.06−10, −19, 46
Postcentral sulcusLeft6.79−24, −40, 60
Superior frontal gyrusRight6.487, 45, 29
Calcarine sulcusLeft8.99−20, −70, 6
Lingual gyrusRight6.525, −68, 3
Left8.20−3, −76, 5
Superior temporal sulcusRight5.3254, −16, −14
Transverse temporal gyrusRight5.3343, −28, 10
Middle temporal gyrusLeft5.98−48, −66, 4
Inferior occipital gyrusLeft7.39−27, −89, −17
  • Note:—MNI indicates Montreal Neurological Institute.

  • a MNI coordinates are based on a standard brain template defined by using multiple MR images of healthy controls.