Table 5:

Dehiscence measurement in FIESTA MRI and high-resolution CT

Cases of Superior/Posterior Semicircular Canal DehiscenceMRI (mm)CT (mm)
On MRI and CT
    Mean dehiscence length (mm)3.8a2.5
    P value.009
On FIESTA only
    SSCD124.1No dehiscence
    SSCD134.4No dehiscence
    SSCD142.3No dehiscence
    SSCD152.6No dehiscence
    SSCD164.2No dehiscence
    SSCD171.1No dehiscence
    SSCD184.2No dehiscence
    PSCD21.5No dehiscence
    PSCD31.7No dehiscence
    Mean dehiscence length (mm)2.9a
  • Note:—SSCD indicates superior semicircular canal dehiscence; PSCD, posterior semicircular canal dehiscence.

  • a Mean dehiscence length on FIESTA when present on CT was 3.9 mm. Mean dehiscence length on FIESTA when absent on CT was 2.9 mm. The difference between these 2 values is not statistically significant (P = .18).