Table 3:

Most common locations of abnormal FA by whole-brain analysisa

Superior longitudinal fasciculus7/25
Corpus callosum, anterior/genu7/25
Inferior longitudinal fasciculus7/25
Posterior limb of the internal capsule6/25
Fronto-occipital fasciculus6/25
Cingulum bundle5/25
Corona radiata5/25
Corpus callosum, overall5/25
Corpus callosum, body5/25
Frontal lobe5/25
Temporal lobe5/25
  • a Values indicate the number of articles reporting low FA in these locations. Twenty-five articles used voxelwise analysis to assess FA throughout the entire brain. Because whole-brain analyses examine all brain regions, denominators are identical for all brain regions. A fully referenced version of this Table is available in On-line Table 4.