Relative change in FA and MK from birth to 4 years 7 months at all anatomic locations

Anatomic LocationFAMK
R2a% Δ (Birth to 2 yr)b% Δ (Birth to 4 yr 7 mo)c90% of FAmax (mo)dR2a% Δ (Birth to 2 yr)b% Δ (Birth to 4 yr 7 mo)c90% of MKmax (mo)d
Frontal WM0.6917217380.9223326523
Parietal WM0.77111116130.9423625719
Anterior IC0.6210310360.8518218410
Posterior IC0.61484840.841581599
  • Note:—NA indicates not applicable; EC external capsule.

  • a Coefficient of determination (R2) demonstrating the goodness of exponential fit for the FA and MK nonlinear monoexponential regression curves.

  • b Percentage change in FA and MK absolute values from birth to 2 years of age.

  • c Percentage change in FA and MK absolute values from birth to 4 years 7 months of age.

  • d Approximate age in months at which 90% of developmental plateau is reached since birth for both FA and MK datasets (ie, FAmax and MKmax).