Clinical features of patients with and without posterior fossa syndrome

VariablePFS (n = 12)Non-PFS (n = 12)
Mutism >24 hours120
Immediate postoperative
    Mild-to-moderate dysmetria72
    Severe dysmetria50
    Mild-to-moderate ataxia07
    Severe ataxia122
At last follow-upa
    Mild-to-moderate dysmetria20
    Severe dysmetria10
    Mild-to-moderate ataxia75
    Severe ataxia51
  • Note:—Dysmetria: incoordination of limbs with either some (i.e., mild to moderate) or complete (i.e., severe) impairment of function. Ataxia: impaired ability to sit and walk with independent mobility retained (mild to moderate) or with mobility assistance required (severe).

  • a Time to last follow-up evaluation: 3–99 months.