Table 1:

Demographic and clinical data of patientsa

Patient Group (n = 24)Control Group (n = 21)
Mean age (yr) (SD)58.45 (8.73)55.17 (9.70)
GCS (SD)13.74 (1.42)
Ruptured artery (AcomA, IC-PcomA, MCA, other ICA, BA, PA)14, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1
Fisher CT grade (SD)2.75 (0.44)
Duration from onset (week) (SD)6.49 (2.63)
  • Note:—AcomA indicates anterior communicating artery; IC-PcomA, internal carotid–posterior communicating artery; BA, basilar artery; PA, pericallosal artery.

  • a Values represent mean (SD).