Table 3:

2013 AJNR iThenticate cost analysis of SORMSRs

Cost Estimate VariableCost
Annual iThenticate subscription fee$550.00
Annual iThenticate administrative fee$110.00
    Total annual fixed cost to use iThenticate ($550.00 subscription fee + $110.00 administrative fee)$660.00
iThenticate cost per analyzed manuscript$0.75
Hourly rate of AJNR administrative staff$25.64
Average time to submit manuscript to iThenticate (min)10
Average staff cost to submit manuscript to iThenticate$4.27
    Total variable cost to submit a single manuscript to iThenticate ($0.75 cost per article + $4.27 AJNR staff time cost per manuscript)$5.02
Number of AJNR issues per year12
Current No. of SORMSRs analyzed by iThenticate per issue3
    Total current annual cost to use iThenticate ($660.00 annual fixed cost + [$5.02 time cost/manuscript × 3 manuscripts/issue × 12 issues/year])$840.72
    Total current cost per issue to use iThenticate ($840.72 per year/12 issues)$70.06
Average No. of SORMSRs per issue102
    Total potential annual cost to use iThenticate to analyze all SORMSRs ($660.00 annual fixed cost + [$5.02 time cost/manuscript × 102 manuscripts/issue × 12 issues/year])$6804.48
    Total potential cost per issue to use iThenticate to analyze all SORMSRs ($6804.48 per year/12 issues)$567.04
    Additional potential annual cost to use iThenticate for all SORMSRs ($6804.48 annual cost of iThenticate for all SORMSRs, $840.72 annual cost of iThenticate for 3 SORMSRs/issue)$5963.76