Table 2:

Neuropsychological tests for patients with NMO and healthy controlsa

Neuropsychological TestsPatients with NMOHCsP Value
    IR28.7 (2.2) (n = 44)9.6 (2.5) (n = 45).075
    SDFR11.1 (2.6) (n = 44)11.8 (2.3) (n = 45).176
    SDCR11.0 (2.2) (n = 44)12.0 (2.2) (n = 45).030b
    LDFR10.9 (2.9) (n = 44)12.2 (2.2) (n = 45).017b
    LDCR10.5 (3.1) (n = 44)12.1 (2.2) (n = 45).007b
PASAT34.4 (12.3) (n = 43)37.6 (7.7) (n = 45).152
SDMT42.1 (12.2) (n = 39)49.5 (15.1) (n = 45).018b
WCST8.8 (3.9) (n = 34)10.0 (5.2) (n = 44).245
COWAT (semantic)17.5 (4.7) (n = 43)19.5 (4.0) (n = 44).035b
  • Note:—CVLT-II indicates California Verbal Learning Test–Second Edition; COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Association Test; IR2, Immediate Recall of Trail 2; LDCR, Long-Delay Cued Recall; LDFR, Long-Delay Free Recall; PASAT, Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test; SDCR, Short-Delay Cued Recall; SDFR, Short-Delay Free Recall; SDMT, Symbol Digit Modalities Test; WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.

  • a Data are shown as mean (SD).

  • b Significant.