Comparison of investigations of the normal CCI to date, including this study

InvestigatorCohort SizeMean CCI (mm)Mean Age (Range)Age-Dependent?Sag/Cor MeasureSubjects with Trauma
Pang et al1 (2007)891.2856 Months (6 months to 17.1 years)NoSag/Cor (avg. 4 measures)80%
Bertozzi et al3 (2009)1171.656 Months (2 months to 10 years)Not examinedSag (avg. 5 measures)100%
Vachhrajani et al4 (2014)422.38100 Months (1 month to 17.8 years)YesCor (1 measure)86%
Current study (2015)1240.90–2.494 Months (2 months to 22 years)YesSag/Cor (avg. 4 measures)0%
  • Note:—Sag indicates sagittal; cor, coronal; avg., average.