Table 1:

Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with MS with and without comorbiditiesa

Total Patients with MS (N = 815)Patients with MS with Comorbidities (n = 241)Patients with MS without Comorbidities (n = 574)P Valueb
Females (No.) (%)626 (76.8)201 (83.4)425 (74.0).300
Age (yr) (mean) (SD)45.7 (10.3)46.3 (10.4)45 (10.2).082
Disease duration (yr) (mean) (SD)13.1 (9.4)13.3 (10)12.8 (8.8).452
EDSS (median) (IQR)2.5 (1.5–6.0)2.5 (1.5–5.5)2.5 (2.0–6.0).732
MS subtype (No.) (%)
    RR554 (67.9)157 (65.1)397 (69.2).120
    SP227 (27.9)77 (32.0)150 (26.1)
    PP34 (4.2)7 (2.9)27 (4.7)
DMT use (No.) (%)598 (73.4)175 (72.6)423 (73.7).900
DMT months (mean) (SD)48.9 (35.2)48.8 (35.2)49 (39.2).942
  • Note:—RR indicates relapsing-remitting; SP, secondary-progressive; PP, primary-progressive; DMT, disease-modifying therapy; IQR, interquartile range.

  • a Demographic and clinical characteristics were tested using the χ2, Student t, and Mann-Whitney rank sum tests.

  • b P values refer to analyses between patients with MS with and without comorbidities.