Table 2:

Demographic table

Total Infants in the Study (N = 53)
Male (%)31 (58%)
Gestational age at birth (wk)a38 (32.9–40.6)
Birth weight (g)a2960 (1430–4175)
Diaphragmatic defect
    A8 (15%)
    B16 (30%)
    C22 (42%)
    D7 (13%)
Days on ventilatora27 (8–88)
Length of stay (day)a60 (15–210)
Age at repair (wk)a9 (1–54)
Required inotropic support (%)35 (66%)
Required ECMO (%)9 (17%)
Required O2 at 28 days of life (%)37 (70%)
Any oral feeding at discharge (%)40 (75%)
  • a Data are expressed as median (range).