Table 2:

Clinical characteristics of patients who presented with type II lesionsa

PatientSex/Age (yr)SymptomsLesion LocationLesion Size (cm)Durationb (mo)IDH1 Mutation
Type IIIClassic GB
1M/48LOCLeft temporal2 × 1.2NA12
2F/40SyncopeRight insula and frontal operculum4 × 2.5NA11NS
3F/32SpeechLeft parietal2.5 × 2NA4
4M/33Headache, LOCRight insular3.1 × 2.5NA4NS
5F/58Gait disturbance, memory impairmentRight medial frontal4 × 31013NS
6M/48Focal seizureRight parietal3.5 × 2.5810+
7F/78HeadacheRight temporal2.5 × 1NA2
8M/41Focal seizureLeft temporal3 × 211.5
9M/40Generalized seizureLeft parietal3 × 2.8NANANS
10M/71Visual TIARight occipital3 × 32NANS
11M/27Focal seizureLeft frontal2.2 × 2.8NANA+
  • Note:—LOC indicates loss of conscious; NA, not available; NS, not studied; +, positive; −, negative.

  • a The lesions refer to the FLAIR/T2-weighted hyperintensities involving both cortical GM and subcortical WM.

  • b The duration is the time interval between the first and follow-up MR imaging studies showing a type III lesion or classic GB. NA indicates that the particular lesion type was not detected during follow-up. The type II lesions of patients 9 and 11 were resected before they transformed to type III lesions or classic GB.