Table 2:

Success rates and means of corpus callosum and corpus callosum–fastigium length per gestational agea

Length (mm)/GA (wk)US Scans (No.)Measurements (No.)Success Rate (%)Mean (SD) (mm)
    221661247526.35 (1.22)
    261881387334.33 (1.86)
    321881156141.56 (2.19)
    421431389748.09 (3.15)
    22124897233.09 (1.61)
    26138825939.39 (1.92)
    32115817045.86 (2.07)
    421431389752.26 (3.12)
  • a Presented are the success rates, means, and corresponding SD values of the CC and CCF measurements per full week of gestation. The success rates for CC length and postnatal CCF length were calculated by the number of successful measurements divided by the total number of US images. Success rates of prenatal CCF measurements were calculated by dividing the number of successful CCF measurements by the number of midsagittal images eligible for CC length.