Table 2:

Distribution of the study variables and association with aneurysm rupture based on crude and adjusted prevalence ratios according to the Poisson regression model with robust variance and their respective 95% CIs

VariablesCrude PRAdjusted PR
PR (95% CI)P ValuePR (95% CI)P Value
    Male1.09 (0.88–1.37).4281.01 (0.81–1.25).938
    55 yr or younger1.09 (0.88–1.36).4131.05 (0.83–1.31).640
    Older than 55 yr11
Aneurysm location.009.022
    Postsiphon1.18 (0.91–1.52).2081.11 (0.86–1.44).416
    Supraclinoid segment11
Aneurysm size.134.445
    ≤5 mm3.92 (1.04–14.81).0442.18 (0.57–8.27).252
    6–10 mm3.49 (0.92–13.27).0661.96 (0.51–7.52).326
    11–25 mm3.20 (0.83–12.42).0921.91 (0.49–7.40).350
    >25 mm11
Anterior knee angle.001.005
    >15.40°1.45 (1.16–1.80).0011.36 (1.09–1.69).005
Posterior knee angle.685.773
    >88.15°1.05 (0.84–1.30).6851.03 (0.84–1.27).773
  • Note:—PR indicates prevalence ratio.