Table 1:

Patient characteristics in the 2 correlational analyses

CharacteristicsValue or No. of Patients (%)
MTRasym(3.5ppm) vs Ki-67MTRasym(3.5ppm) vs MR Spectroscopy
Low-Grade Glioma (n = 28)High-Grade Glioma (n = 14)P ValueLow-Grade Glioma (n = 23)High-Grade Glioma (n = 13)P Value
Age, ya44.00 ± 2.8144.64 ± 3.70.8942.96 ± 3.0443.31 ± 3.73.94
Sex, no. (%).82.97
    Male19 (68)9 (64)14 (61)8 (57)
    Female9 (32)5 (36)9 (39)5 (43)
Tumor grade, no. (%)b
    II28 (100)023 (100)0
    III06 (43)06 (46)
    IV08 (57)07 (54)
  • a Mean ± standard deviation.

  • b Confirmed on histopathologic examination.