Table 1:

Cerebral blood flow values in patients and controlsa

ROISectionsVoxelsbCBF, RepeatabilitycCBF (Mean) (SD) (mL/100 g/min)P Valued
Cerebellum2924 (144)0.9220.7 (9.3)27.2 (7.0).006
MFC3133 (30)0.9024.9 (5.6)27.4 (5.1).23
Lentiform nucleus1115 (15)0.7520.4 (2.7)25.0 (4.0)<.001e
MTL1114 (15)0.8630.4 (5.6)31.7 (3.8).86
HCC21350 (459)0.7222.5 (5.5)21.6 (3.0).47
Pons368 (17)0.9022.0 (7.0)24.1 (5.3).19
SMA2130 (18)0.7225.1 (5.1)25.2 (3.7).93
Thalamus2116 (19)0.9226.8 (10.2)34.1 (5.6)<.001e
Frontal WM241 (8)0.9111.0 (5.0)10.7 (2.2).76
Lateral WM2136 (33)0.8912.2 (3.0)13.8 (1.7).014
Superior WM267 (7)0.8814.2 (5.0)12.6 (2.5).17
Periventricular WM1186 (15)0.888.0 (2.5)13.1 (3.1)<.001e
  • Note:—HCC indicates high-convexity cortex; MFC, medial frontal cortex; MTL, medial temporal lobe; SMA, supplementary motor area.

  • a Data are mean with SD in parentheses unless otherwise indicated.

  • b Mean (SD) voxels in each ROI in patients.

  • c Repeatability of perfusion measurements between the 2 baseline investigations using the intraclass correlation coefficient.

  • d Unadjusted P values tested with the paired-samples t test.

  • e Significant after Holm-Bonferroni correction.