Table 2:

Clinical outcomes in the intervention and standard CT protocolsa

OutcomeIntervention CT Protocol (n = 73)Standard CT Protocol (n = 73)P Value
Primary end points
    Image noise, lower neckb
        Thyroid gland12.3 ± 5.117.2 ± 5.5<.001
        Internal jugular vein10.7 ± 4.414.3 ± 5.1<.001
    DLP (mGy × cm)397.6 ± 52.8413.9 ± 56.3<.001
Secondary end points
    Streak artifactsc1.6 ± 0.51.9 ± 0.4<.001
        126 (35.6%)11 (15.1%)
        246 (63.0%)59 (80.8%)
        31 (1.4%)3 (4.1%)
    Image noise, midneckb
        Internal jugular vein7.1 ± 3.79.1 ± 5.8.009
        SCM muscle5.6 ± 2.47.3 ± 4.0<.001
CTDIvol (mGy)13.4 ± 0.913.9 ± 0.9<.001
Effective diameter (cm)d16.2 ± 4.419.6 ± 4.9<.001
C7-biacromial line distance (cm)e−2.4 ± 1.1−0.3 ± 1.1<.001
  • Note:—SCM indicates sternocleidomastoid.

  • a Data are expressed as mean ± SD.

  • b Based on the evaluation of image noise, by measurement of the SD of the CT values in Hounsfield units.

  • c Streak artifacts at the supraclavicular fossa (1, none or minimal; 2, mild; and 3, severe).

  • d Effective diameter of the neck at the level of the lower margin of the cricoid cartilage.

  • e The C7-biacromial line distance was defined as the distance from the intersection of a line connecting the acromion processes to the upper endplate of C7. Negative values indicate that the biacromial line was located caudal to the upper margin of C7, and positive values, that it was located cranial of the upper margin of C7.