The PSNR and NRMSE of synthetic FLAIR and DL-FLAIR images against conventional FLAIR images in various regionsa

Synthetic FLAIR ImagesDL-FLAIR Images
    PSNR27.16 ± 0.54b,c34.03 ± 1.33b,c (+25.31%)
    NRMSE0.47 ± 0.039b,c0.33 ± 0.028b,c (−30.44%)
    PSNR29.51 ± 0.44b,c35.45 ± 1.48b,c (+20.14%)
    NRMSE0.37 ± 0.025b,c0.27 ± 0.024b,c (−27.32%)
    PSNR34.83 ± 1.37b,c40.47 ± 1.37b,c (+16.21%)
    NRMSE0.29 ± 0.027b,c0.21 ± 0.017b,c (−27.36%)
Aggregate intracranial tissues
    PSNR29.79 ± 0.71b35.90 ± 1.21b (+20.54%)
    NRMSE0.38 ± 0.024b0.27 ± 0.016b (−28.66%)
  • a Values are means ± SD. Percentage changes in the PSNR and NRMSE for DL-FLAIR vs synthetic FLAIR images are in parentheses.

  • b P < .001 for synthetic FLAIR vs DL-FLAIR images.

  • c P < .001 for GM vs WM, GM vs CSF, and WM vs CSF.