Table 1:

Baseline characteristics (n = 296)a

Baseline demographics and medical history
    Age (mean) (yr)29669.5 ± 13.8
    Men296150 (50.7)
    Hypertension288158 (54.9)
    Diabetes28550 (17.4)
    Dyslipidemia28493 (32.7)
    Current smoking27270 (25.7)
    Previous stroke or TIA28643 (15.0)
    Previous CAD28550 (17.5)
    Antithrombotic medications291120 (41.2)
        Antiplatelet29169 (23.7)
        Anticoagulant29134 (11.7)
Current stroke event
    Systolic BP (mean) (mm Hg)245148 ± 28
    Diastolic BP (mean) (mm Hg)24582 ± 19
    Blood glucose (median) (IQR) (mmol/L)2296.4 (5.7–8.0)
    Admission NIHSS score (median) (IQR)29016 (11–21)
    ASPECTS (median) (IQR)2787 (6–9)
    Prestroke mRS ≥129164 (22.0)
Site of occlusion
    M1 MCA296124 (41.9)
    M2 MCA40 (13.5)
    T-car54 (18.2)
    Tandem39 (13.2)
    Vertebrobasilar39 (13.2)
Stroke etiology
    Large-artery atherosclerosis29544 (14.9)
    Cardioembolic127 (43.1)
    Dissection11 (3.7)
    Others113 (38.3)
Intravenous rtPA294142 (48.3)
General anesthesia29171 (24.4)
Procedural times (median) (IQR) (min)
    Onset to imaging279113 (84–180)
    Admission to imaging24825 (16–41.5)
    Imaging to groin puncture262107 (69–151)
    Imaging to recanalization279157 (118–205)
    Onset to puncture276242 (186–324)
    Puncture to recanalization28740 (25–65.5)
Balloon-guide catheter29623 (7.8)
Mode of admission
    Mothership295121 (41.0)
    Drip and ship174 (59.0)
    Sofia catheter
        5F29670 (23.7)
        6F226 (76.3)
  • Note:—BP indicates blood pressure; CAD, coronary artery disease; T-car, occlusion of carotid terminus; Mothership, comprehensive stroke centers with on-site interventional neuroradiologic services; Drip and ship, medical treatment (including intravenous thrombolysis) in a hospital before being transferred to a comprehensive stroke centers for thrombectomy.

  • a Values are expressed as No. (percentage) unless otherwise indicated.