Table 2:

Global differences in the network properties between the patients with CLN3 and the control subjects, with age and sex used as covariates

Network PropertyCLN3aControl SubjectsaP
First AcquisitionSecond AcquisitionCLN3 First Acquisition vs. Control SubjectsCLN3 Second Acquisition vs. Control Subjects
Betweenness centrality288 ± 22294 ± 17278 ± 11.084.008
Characteristic path length0.118 ± 0.0620.130 ± 0.0730.074 ± 0.014.003b.003b
Clustering coefficient5.27 ± 1.575.32 ± 2.126.45 ±
Degree25.9 ± 4.625.3 ± 5.029.5 ± 1.79.003b.002b
Global efficiency22.6 ± 8.622.8 ± 11.628.5 ±
Small-worldness5.03 ± 0.855.24 ± 1.195.78 ±
Strength511 ± 191506 ± 255645 ± 105.012.020
  • a Data are mean± standard deviation.

  • b Indicates significant differences after the Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons.