Imaging findings of the patients

Imaging FindingsCasesFirst Reported, Year
Dilated internal auditory canal19Phelps et al,3 1991
Hypoplasia at the cochlear base19Phelps et al,3 1991
Absence of the bony modiolus19Talbot and Wilson,5 1994
Thin otic capsule19Sennaroglu,13 2016
Enlarged superior vestibular nerve canal16Saylisoy et al,6 2014
Enlarged labyrinthine facial nerve canal11Phelps et al,3 1991
Enlarged singular nerve canal8Talbot and Wilson,5 1994
Vestibule with cystic appearance17Gong et al,7 2014
Semicircular canal with cystic appearance9Anderson et al,14 2020
Dilated vestibular aqueduct7Talbot and Wilson,5 1994
Dysplasia of oval window12Saylisoy et al,6 2014
Dysplasia of round window11Saylisoy et al,6 2014
Abnormal stapes5Saylisoy et al,6 2014